The Palestinian Right to Jerusalem is An International Law That Cannot Be Given away by Political Measures and Statements

Balfour Declaration Will Not Recur – Statement by IADL – supported by ELDH Balfour Declaration Will Not Recur:  The Palestinian Right to Jerusalem is An International Law That Cannot Be Given away by Political Measures and Statements In a flagrant challenge to international law, the United States President Donald Trump on 06 December 2017, declared …

Israel – Palestine

Joint declaration on Israel’s Gaza offensive: The International Community Must End Israel’s Collective Punishment of the Civilian Population in the Gaza Strip (supported by ELDH) (PDF-File) British Lawyers and Professors urge ICC to initiate investigation into crimes being committed in the Gaza Strip (among them Bill Bowring, ELDH President) –

Statement of IADL – Israel / Palestine

IADL CONDEMNS ILLEGAL ISRAELI AGGRESSION IN GAZA IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS AND CALLS UPON THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO END ISRAEL’S IMPUNITY AND TO TAKE CONCRETE ACTIONS TO END THE VIOLENCE. The folllowing statement has been issued by the International Association of Democratic lawyers (IADL): The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), with consultative status …

Presentations at the HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS Conference – 24th February 2012

On this page the papers presented at the conference will be published as soon as they are available Colombia – 1 Colombia – 2 Dagestan Palestine Philippines Russia Pictures taken at the conference by the official photographer Ripon Ray can be regarded under: Photos – Human Rights Defenders

Die Aufnahme Palästinas in die Vereinten Nationen – eine Verpflichtung der internationalen Gemeinschaft

Düsseldorf / London, Mai 2011 Erklärung der EJDM Der Nahe Osten befindet sich an einem Scheideweg. Die vielfachen Verletzungen des Völkerrechts durch Israel (Fortsetzung des israelischen Siedlungsbaus, die Blockade von Gaza, Verletzung der Grundrechte der Palästinenser) verhindern jeden Fortschritt in Richtung Frieden und haben die Verhandlungen in eine Sackgasse geführt. Zu einem Zeitpunkt, in dem …

Protest against Israeli military attack on Gaza aid flotilla

European Lawyers demand legal and political consequences The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH) denounces in the strongest terms the military attack by Israeli military forces on the Gaza aid flotilla in international waters, and the killing of at least 16 peaceful demonstrators. See BBC World News “Deaths as Israeli …