Archive Activités

Political trials against lawyers and political activists in Turkey and other countries

hier Termin und Ort eintragen ELDH will try to send observers to the following trials. These trials are observed by many lawyers from different organisations in Europe. Colleagues who wish to participate in the trial observation should get into contact with ELDH: ELDH Guide on Trial Observations UN Basic principles on the role of…


     The tenth annual Day of the Endangered Lawyer will focus on Pakistan, on 24 January 2020 The basic report on the situation of lawyers in Pakistan + download – Basic report on the situation of lawyers in Pakistan The Petition – Day of the Endangered Lawyer (available on 24 January 2020) + download…

Second Conference of Mediterranean Lawyers

Sunday 19 may 2019 9-19 (10.00 to 19.00, with an hour break for lunch) / Click here for booking / Asilo Filangieri Naples, Vico Giuseppe Maffei, 4, 80138 Napoli Greetings from the Mayor Luigi De Magistris Roberto Lamacchia (National Association of Democratic Lawyers) Bill Bowring (European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights)…

Europäische Arbeitsrechtskonferenz – NEUE FORMEN DER ARBEIT UND NEUE UNTERNEHMENSSTRUKTUREN – Herausforderungen für das Arbeitsrecht

(save the date – register now) 15. und 16. Februar 2019 Frankfurt/M., IG Metall Hauptverwaltung, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str- 79 Freitag, 15. Februar 2019, 13h30 – 18h30 und Samstag, 16. Februar 2019, 09h00 – 13h00 Simultanübersetzung: Deutsch-English-Deutsch Programm (Programm als PDF-Datei herunterladen) Das Netzwerk „European Lawyers for Workers“ lädt – nach Konferenzen in den vergangenen Jahren in Brüssel,…


The next Day of the Endangered lawyer will take place on the 24th of January 2019. The focus will be on the very difficult situation that lawyers in Turkey are facing. This is not the first time that we are focusing on Turkey, however, as you all know, the lawyers’ situation is becoming worse in…

Violation of Human Rights in Catalonia in the frame of the political conflict

Conference (only languages Spanish, Catalan) Paranimf de l’Edifici històric de la Universitat de Barcelona Preu inscripció 25€ (inclou pausa cafè i dinar)   supported by ELDH Programme (programme in Spanish and Catalan) 9 – 10.30 h The legal context: When the pillars of the rule of law collapse Round Table – Chair: Benet Salellas Ana Stanic,…

Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on Turkey and Kurds

A session of the Permanent Peoples Tribunal on alleged violations of international law and international humanitarian law by the Turkish Republic and its officials in their relations with the Kurdish people and their organisations will be held in Paris (France) on 15 and 16 March 2018. A panel of judges will examine an indictment served…

Turkey and the European Court of Human Rights – (In)effective remedy from Strasbourg

Invitation to a joint conference Monday, 05 March 2018, 01h45 p.m. – 6 p.m. DAV-Building, Littenstraße 11, 10179 Berlin Programme (download as PDF-file) 13:45 – 14:00 Welcoming speech 14:00 – 15:00 First Panel “Does the Court provide an effective remedy to the citizens of Turkey in applications concerning the events relating to the attempted coup…

Solidarity with Egyptian lawyers

DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER Appeal to the Egyptian Government – Respect the rights of Egyptian lawyers In 2017 ELDH, with members in 20 countries, already choose to focus its activities on the endangered lawyers in Egypt. Many human rights organizations, among them Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, IDHAE, and the International Commission of Jurists…

2000 – 2009

  • 27 – 29 November 2009, Bonn, Germany
    Expert conference
    “The socalled antiterror struggle using the example of Kurds –practice in the European legal sphere”
    Organizer: Azadi, MAF-DAD
    Coorganizer: ELDH
    Follow up shall be organized (task force on Interpol; legal defence group, group to battle the criminalization of Kurds)
  • 16th and 17th October 2009, Paris
    Labour Law in Europe
    Organizer: EDL European Democratic Lawyers, Progress Lawyers Network, SAF
    Coorganizer: ELDH
  • 26th and 27th June 2009, Berlin
    Peace through law
    Organized by IALANA
    Participation ELDH
  • 17thJanuary 2009, Paris
    European Criminal Justice,

    together with AFJD
  • September 2008, Bristol

    Organized by
  • March 2008, Ankara
  • March 2008
    (EDL Conference, support of ELDH)
  • February 2008

    (Participation of ELDH)
  • Mai 2007, Freiburg :
    Labour and Justice in a globalized world

    organized by BAKJ, with support of ELDH
  • June 2007, Hannover
    The EU-Constitutional Treaty – Critiques and Alternatives

    Organized by ELDH together with attac-Germany
  • 20 and 21 October 2006 in Barcelona
    The Boarder of Europe – Zones without Rights

    Organized by EDL, supported by ELDH
  • 6 May 2006 in Berlin
    Social Rights in Europe – Provocation for Neoliberalism
    Organized by ELDH
  • May 2005 in London
    Suspect Communities: The ‘War on Terror’ in Europe
  • February 2005
    Arwarding of Hans-Litten-Price to Lea Tsemel and Mohammad Na’amneh
    (together with the German Association of Democratic Lawyers, VDJ)
  • September 2004 in Istanbul
    State and Religion in Europe
  • April 2004 in Paris
    “A democratic Constitution for Europe”
  • 2003 in Geneva
    “Independence of the Public Prosecutor”
  • 2003 in Geneva
    “War Crimes”
  • 2001 in Paris
    The European Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • 2001 in Frankfurt / Oder
    “Enlargement of the European Union”
  • 2000 Istanbul, Ankara, Diyarbakir
    “Turkeys entrance into the European Union
  • 2000 in Frankfurt
    “Asylum as a Human Right”

1993 – 1999

  • 1999 in Paris
    “Labor law under the conditions of Globalization”
  • 1998 in Istanbul
    “Environmental Law at the southern boarder of Europe”
  • 1997 in Strasburg
    “Legislation and procedures against racism in Europe – What experiences ? What demands ?”
  • 1997 in Brussels
    “Environmental law in Europe”
  • 1996 in Florence
    “The European Union – What common Institutions ? What fundamental common policies ? “
  • 1995 in Rome
    “The weapon of hunger – against economic embargos”
  • 1995 in Istanbul
    “Democracy and Human Rights in Turkey”
  • 1993 in Berlin
    “Europe promises land
    Nationality, Immigration, Asylum”

Further activities in the past:

  • Participation at the European Network against racism, ENAR
  • Campaign against the detention of asylum seekers in Europe
  • Observation of the political legal procedures in Turkey
  • Mission in Iraq to investigate the impact of the UN-Embargo on the population
  • Flight to Iraq to encourage the UN to lift it’s embargo
  • Mission in Palestine to investigate the Human Rights Situation
  • Mission in French Guyana to investigate the Human Rights Situation