Israel – Palestine

Joint declaration on Israel’s Gaza offensive: The International Community Must End Israel’s Collective Punishment of the Civilian Population in the Gaza Strip (supported by ELDH) (PDF-File) British Lawyers and Professors urge ICC to initiate investigation into crimes being committed in the Gaza Strip (among them Bill Bowring, ELDH President) –


Invitation to the International Conference Saturday, 15th November 2014, 09h00 – 17h00 Maison de l’Europe 35-37 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75004 Paris, France 0900 Entrance, registration Morning 09h30 Welcome: Jean Luc Wabant, Lawyer Lille/Paris, SAF, ELW-Coordinating Committee 10h00 Prof. Keith Ewing (Kings College London), Introduction – Collective Bargaining in times of Austerity 10h45 Isabelle Schoemann …

HANS-LITTEN-PRIZE Awarding 2014 to the ÇHD President Selçuk KOZAĞAÇLI

Prof. Dr. Lieven De Cauter: The Extremes of Contemporary Politics – A Philosophical Address in Honour of an Imprisoned Turkish Lawyer (PDF – File) Prof. Dr. Beate Rudolf, Direktorin des Deutschen Instituts für Menschenrechte: Laudatory Speech Dieter Hummel, President of the German Association of Democratic Lawyers: The Awarding of the HANS-LITTEN-PRIZE to the ÇHD President Selçuk …


EUROPEAN LAWYERS ASSOCIATION DEMANDS FREE ACCESS FOR LAWYERS AND INVESTIGATORS Press Release ELDH condemns in the strongest possible terms the arrest and ill-treatment of 8 lawyers in Soma. According to reports and witnesses 8 lawyers were  taken into custody on May 17th in Soma, including the President of the Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) Selçuk Kozağaçlı. …


The Hans-Litten-Prize 2014 will be awarded to the CHD President Selçuk KOZAĞAÇLI Saturday, 17th May 2014, 14h00 – 18h00 Littenstrasse 9, 10179 Berlin, in the building of the German Federal Bar Association, BRAK Every two years the HANS-LITTEN-PRIZE is awarded by the German Association of Democratic Lawyers (VDJ) , the German member association of …

Report – Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2014

Lawyers under Death Threat in Colombia – Documentation of the protests and meetings all over Europe Lawyers all over Europe and in other countries organized protest on 24th January 2014 outside Colombian embassies and consulates, in Ankara, Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, Düsseldorf, The Hague, Istanbul, Izmir, London, Madrid, Milan, Montpellier, Paris, Rome, and Vienna. …

Massenprozesse gegen Anwältinnen und Anwälte in der Türkei: Angeklagte aus der Untersuchungshaft frei gelassen

Presseerklärung – 24.3.2014 Zwei Massenprozesse gegen AnwältInnen beunruhigen sein längerem die türkische und die internationale Öffentlichkeit, der KCK AnwältInnen Prozess und der ÇHD AnwältInnen Prozess. Im KCK AnwältInnen Prozess stehen 50 Angeklagte, darunter 46 AnwältInnen vor Gericht. Im ÇHD Prozess sind es 22 AnwältInnen. Alle sind auf der Grundlage zweifelhafter Beweismittel angeklagt wegen angeblicher Mitgliedschaft …

Human Rights and Democracy in the context of EU Enlargement – Western Balkan perspectives

International Conference – With speakers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey Friday, 6th June 2014, 10:30 – 18:30, Belgrade Centre for cultural decontamination.  , Birčaninova 21, 11000 Beograd Programme: (as PDF file) 10:00  Registration (for registration send an email to your contact details) 10:30 …

Report: Istanbul Bar Trial – Hearing on 24 February 2014

Acquittal of all defendants The case brought against the President of Istanbul Bar Association Atty. Assoc. Prof.Ümit Kocasakal and 9 other board members on charges of “attempting to influence the members of judiciary” with the demand of imprisonment resulted in acquittal. In the meantime the prosecution has appealed. ELDH Observer Report ELDH Observer Report: PDF …

Nächste Verhandlungstermine in Massenprozessen gegen Anwältinnen und Anwälte in der Türkei

Die EJDM fordert die unverzügliche Beendigung der politisch motivierten Massenprozesse in der Türkei Vorstand der Istanbuler Anwaltskammer angeklagt (10 Anwält_innen angeklagt) Der Präsident der Istanbuler Anwaltskammer und seine 9 Vorstandskollegen wurden am 24.2.2014 vom Gericht der ersten Instanz frei gesprochen. Der Staatsanwalt hat inzwischen Berufung eingelegt. Sobald der erste Anhörungstermin vor dem Berufungsgericht bekannt ist, …