Don’t tolerate Aggression, War Crimes and Human Rights Violations in Lebanon, Palestine and Israel

Appeal to the European Governments and the European Union

The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights ELDH, a non-governmental organization of jurists with national affiliates in many European Countries, urges European Governments and the European Union

1. to undertake all possible measures within the bodies of the UN, within the European Union and within its bilateral relations.

– to stop the killing of civilians in Gaza, Lebanon, and Israel as well as the destruction of infrastructure.

– to support initiatives for an immediate cease-fire between the parties involved.

– to give help within international organizations to the people of the region in particular in Lebanon and Gaza.

– to support initiatives for an enduring peace in the region which includes in particular the right of existence of a Palestinian and an Israeli State within the borders which already have been determined by UN Resolutions 242, 338.

2. to use their influence within the bodies of the UN

– to condemn any violation of the Geneva Convention and of international law in respect of the parties involved and to insist on respect for and compliance with the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice concerning the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people and the legality of the Israeli Wall.

– to urge all involved parties to respect the UN Resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine.

– to point out to Israel that it has no right to kidnap Palestinian citizens, to carry out extrajudicial killing, of occupying Palestinian territory in Gaza and in the West-Bank.

– to point out to the Hezbollah that it has no right to kidnap Israeli soldiers.

– to point out to Israel that its right of self-defence does not include the excessive aggression which Israeli forces have practiced again in recent days (as often before in the past), in particular the killing of civilians, the expulsion of civilians from their homes, the destruction of many homes of civilians and the infrastructure of great parts of Lebanon and Gaza, and occupation of Lebanese territory.

3. to use all their political influence to prevent an expansion of the war in particular to Syria and Iran.

In their efforts to put an end to the present suffering of the people in the region the European Governments are reminded that the support of Hamas and Hezbollah by the people have their origin in the scandal that Palestine has been occupied illegally by Israel for 60 years, that this situation is tolerated by the international community, that the opinion of the International Court of Justice concerning the liability of Israel and other states to respect the right of self determination of the Palestinian people is ignored by Israel.

ELDH will support any initiative under international and national law to hold those responsible who have committed war crimes in this conflict.