ELDH demands the release of detained Turkish lawyers

Declaration of 7 lawyers’ organisation – Demonstrations in 7 European countries in front of Turkish embassies ELDH demands the release of detained Turkish lawyers Another 14 members of the Progressive Lawyers Association CHD were detained in Turkey by decision of the judge on 21 September 2017, after 9 days police custody: Lawyers Didem Ünsal, Aytaç …

18 türkische Anwältinnen und Anwälte heute früh verhaftet

Presseinformation – 12. September 2017 Heute früh wurden in der Türkei 18 türkische Anwältinnen und Anwälte aus Istanbul und Ankara verhaftet. Die Telefone und Computer von zwei weiteren Anwält*innen wurden bei dieser Polizeiaktion beschlagnahmt. Der Gründe für die Verhaftungen sind nicht bekannt. Es ist in der Türkei aktuell auch nicht üblich, dass diese bekannt gegeben …

BHRC raises concern over potential changes to the Polish judiciary

BHRC has today released a Statement of Concern to the British Ambassador in Poland, raising serious concern over proposed changes to the Polish judiciary. The changes would give the Polish government substantial influence over the appointment of judges, eroding the independence of the judiciary and threatening the rule of law in Poland. In a joint press …

The press should respect the law and the “International principles of conduct of journalists” by the International Federation of Journalists

ELDH Statement ELDH is utmost concerned about articles in the Turkish press in which the Turkish lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı, who is also member of the ELDH Executive Committee, is defamed and accused of crimes in a way which violates international and European law as well as the “International principles of conduct of journalists” by the …

Action needed on Western Sahara

Letter to H.E. Ms Nikki Haley Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary United States Mission to the United Nations As we have outlined to you in previous letters, the lack of progress in ending the occupation of Western Sahara is untenable.  We remain dismayed by the failure of the UN Security Council to protect the men, women …

Letter of Support for Palestinian Hunger Strikers from Lawyers, Legal Workers, Law Students and Legal Organizations

Over 200 lawyers, law students, legal workers and legal organizations have come together to sign the following letter in support of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons. Additional signatures are welcome – you may sign on at the form, or send your signature to . ***   http://www.nlginternational.org/2017/04/letter-of-support-for-palestinian-hunger-strikers-from-lawyers-legal-workers-law-students-and-legal-organizations/   *** We, the undersigned lawyers, legal organizations, law …


In solidarity with Egyptian lawyers In 2017 ELDH commemorated the Day of the Endangered Lawyer to lawyers in Egypt who were threatened and attacked because they defended human rights activists and victims of human rights violations. Prostests were organized in the following 10 countries: Austria, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Turkey. The …

Juristinnen und Juristen warnen vor Entstehung faschistischer Diktatur in der Türkei

Aufruf Europäischer Jurist*innen – andere Jurist*innen Organisationen und individuelle Jurist*innen sind aufgerufen zu unterzeichnen Die komplette Ausschaltung der politischen Opposition in einer Gesellschaft, und insbesondere der demokratischen Kräfte, ist ein typisches Kennzeichen für die mögliche Entstehung einer faschistischen Diktatur. Schon seit Jahren werden in der Türkei schwerwiegende Menschenrechtsverletzungen und die Missachtung demokratischer Grundsätze festgestellt. Dies …