ELDH against the banning of strikes in the Turkish metal industry

Letter to the Turkish Prime Minister Letter of concern: the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkey banning strikes in the metal industry download the letter (PDF) Mr. Prime Minister, I am writing this letter to you on behalf of ELDH www.eldh.eu, which represents lawyers in 21 European countries, to urge you to withdraw …

ELDH calls on the EU and the EU member states – to condemn the Turkish attack on Afrin (Northern Syria)

Appeal of European Lawyers download the ELDH statement (PDF-file) the statement of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers IADL ELDH calls on the EU, and all other world powers, to condemn Turkey’s unprovoked attack on the people of Afrin in Syria. This amounts to a war crime (aggression) and commission of crimes against humanity. Afrin, …

Solidarity with Egyptian lawyers

DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER Appeal to the Egyptian Government – Respect the rights of Egyptian lawyers In 2017 ELDH, with members in 20 countries, already choose to focus its activities on the endangered lawyers in Egypt. Many human rights organizations, among them Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, IDHAE, and the International Commission of Jurists …

ELDH demands the immediate release of Selçuk KOZAGAÇLI and the other lawyers from ÇHD and ÖHP

ELDH Statement (in Turkish as PDF download, see below) Too often  progressive lawyers  are the target of arbitrary state violence and oppression. They are oppressed because they defend workers, trade unionists, political activists, alleged terrorists, and victims of state violence. They are oppressed because they fight for the upholding  of human rights and labour law. …

The Palestinian Right to Jerusalem is An International Law That Cannot Be Given away by Political Measures and Statements

Balfour Declaration Will Not Recur – Statement by IADL – supported by ELDH Balfour Declaration Will Not Recur:  The Palestinian Right to Jerusalem is An International Law That Cannot Be Given away by Political Measures and Statements In a flagrant challenge to international law, the United States President Donald Trump on 06 December 2017, declared …

European Union, Brexit – the future of workers’ rights

Documentation with the available speeches European Conference, 11th November 2017, London, Diskus Centre at Unite, 128 Theobald’s Road, Holborn, London, WC1X 8T Confererence handout with the available CV and abstracts Some pictures taken during the conference (download) 09h30 – 10h00 Opening John Hendy Q.C., Institute for Employment Rights IER Rose Keeping, Regional Industrial Officer, Unite the Union …

ELDH demands the immediate release of lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı

update ELDH is gravely concerned at the arrest of the President of the progressive Turkish lawyers association ÇHD, Selçuk Kozağaçlı, who is also a member of the ELDH Executive Committee. ELDH is still  more  concerned at  reports that Selçuk Kozağaçlı was beaten by police during his arrest. Selçuk Kozağaçlı is well known as a human …

ELDH demands the release of detained Turkish lawyers

Declaration of 7 lawyers’ organisation – Demonstrations in 7 European countries in front of Turkish embassies ELDH demands the release of detained Turkish lawyers Another 14 members of the Progressive Lawyers Association CHD were detained in Turkey by decision of the judge on 21 September 2017, after 9 days police custody: Lawyers Didem Ünsal, Aytaç …

18 türkische Anwältinnen und Anwälte heute früh verhaftet

Presseinformation – 12. September 2017 Heute früh wurden in der Türkei 18 türkische Anwältinnen und Anwälte aus Istanbul und Ankara verhaftet. Die Telefone und Computer von zwei weiteren Anwält*innen wurden bei dieser Polizeiaktion beschlagnahmt. Der Gründe für die Verhaftungen sind nicht bekannt. Es ist in der Türkei aktuell auch nicht üblich, dass diese bekannt gegeben …