„Der so genannte Anti-Terror Kampf am Beispiel der Kurdinnen und Kurden im Lichte internationalen Rechts“

Bonn, Internationale Fachtagung, 6. – 8. Februar 2015 Bonner Abschluss-Resolution Nach intensiver Befassung der TeilnehmerInnen der Fachtagung mit dem Selbstbestimmungsrecht der KurdInnen dem Konzept des Terrorismus und dem rechtlichen und politischen Lösungsweg kommen diese zu folgendem Ergebnis: Das kurdische Volk in den Staaten des Nahen-Ostens (Türkei, Syrien, Irak, Iran) hat das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung. Nach …


Declaration / Press release / Letter to the Spanish minister of justice The European Lawyers Associations ELDH and AED-EDL are extremely concerned about the information that on 12th January 2015, at 07h00 in the morning in the Basque Country/Spain and in Madrid 16 people, among them 12 lawyers, were  arrested for alleged terrorist crimes. The …

Western Sahara – Referendum NOW!

International Meeting of Experts – Promoting the Political Process 12th and 13th December, Berlin A&O Hotel and Hostel Berlin Hauptbahnhof Lehrter Straße 12, 10557 Berlin, Germany UN General Assembly 1966 “Invites the adminmistering Power to determine at the earliest possible date, in conformity with the aspirations of the indigenous people of Spanish Sahara and in …

Israel – Palestine

Joint declaration on Israel’s Gaza offensive: The International Community Must End Israel’s Collective Punishment of the Civilian Population in the Gaza Strip (supported by ELDH) (PDF-File) British Lawyers and Professors urge ICC to initiate investigation into crimes being committed in the Gaza Strip (among them Bill Bowring, ELDH President) – http://barhumanrights.org.uk/british-lawyers-and-professors-urge-icc-initiate-investigation-crimes-being-committed-gaza-strip

Motion regarding the situation of Lawyers and Human Rights defenders in the Basque Country

We, members of the European lawyers organisations, ELDH and EDL, would like to denounce the criminalisation and harassment of Human Rights defenders, lawyers and political activists by the Spanish authorities. Despite the fact that since years Basque parties, institutions and civil society are immersed in a process towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict and …

“Quo Vadis NATO? – Challenges for Democracy and Law”

International Conference Friday (26.4.): Konsul-Hackfeld-Haus, Birkenstr. 34, 28195 Bremen Saturday (27.4)/ Universität Bremen, Zentrum für Europäische Sunday (28.4.): Rechtspolitik, Universitätsallee, GW1, 28359 Bremen From 26th to 28th April 2013 the international conference „Quo Vadis NATO – Challenges for Democracy and Law“will take place in Bremen. The Main organizer of this event is the German section …

Statement of IADL – Israel / Palestine

IADL CONDEMNS ILLEGAL ISRAELI AGGRESSION IN GAZA IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS AND CALLS UPON THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO END ISRAEL’S IMPUNITY AND TO TAKE CONCRETE ACTIONS TO END THE VIOLENCE. The folllowing statement has been issued by the International Association of Democratic lawyers (IADL): The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), with consultative status …