28 years of PKK ban: Now we are talking!

Conference. 18 and 19 June 2022, Berlin organised by: ELDH (European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights)Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy e.V.Azadi Legal Aid Fund e.V.MAF-DAD e.V. – Association for Democracy and International LawVDJ – Association of Democratic Lawyers e.V.

Statement against the banning of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)

The undersigned organisations, active in the field of democracy and human rights protection and promotion, are deeply concerned about the ongoing case before the Constitutional Court in Turkey regarding closure of the opposition party. HDP was founded on October 15, 2012 and has since been a vital part of political life in Turkey. Our organisations …

Political trials against lawyers and political activists in Turkey and other countries

ELDH will try to send observers to the following trials. These trials are observed by many lawyers from different organisations in Europe. Colleagues who wish to participate in the trial observation should get into contact with ELDH: Email ELDH Guide on Trial Observations UN Basic principles on the role of lawyers PEN Norway: The study …