European Conference – Franco’s ghost: the judicialisation of politics in Spain and Catalonia.”, 6 May 2023, Barcelona

Invitation Franco’s ghost: the judicialisation of politics in Spain and Catalonia.”, 6 May 2023, 09h45 – 14h00 Sala Cotxeres in the Palau Robert, Passeig de Gràcia, 107 08008 Barcelona With speakers from Catalonia/Spain, Basque Country/Spain, England, Ireland, Kurdistan/Turkey. The conference will be held in Catalan and English with simultaneous translation. >>Registration link The programme (below)

International Day of the Endangered Lawyer, 24 January 2023 – in solidarity with the endangered lawyers in Afghanistan

Since 2010, the International Day of the Endangered Lawyer has been observed on 24 January in cities, countries, and continents around the globe. This date was chosen as the annual International Day of the Endangered Lawyer because on 24 January 1977, four lawyers and a co-worker were murdered at their address at Calle Atocha 55 …

Greek court should not be accomplice for Turkish government

Download the statement ELDH, the European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights, with members in 22 European countries, is gravely concerned about the trial in Athens against 11 political refugees from Turkey. They have been convicted by the court of first instance in Athens for establishing, managing and acting together with a so-called terrorist organization, …

Protection of Lawyers in Iran

Joint Statement: Bar Associations and International Lawyers’ Organisations Call for Protection of Lawyers in Iran download the statement The undersigned bar associations and international lawyers’ organisations call for the Islamic Republic of Iran and its agencies to protect, promote, and support the following basic rights: 1) the independence of the legal profession; 2) the principle …