Letter of solidarity with the Istanbul Bar Association

The Democratic Lawyers of Switzerland (DJS) and the European Association of Lawyers
for Democracy & World Human Rights (ELDH) strongly condemn the actions of the authorities
of Turkey against the Istanbul Bar Association and its executive board. The criminal
investigations, removal proceedings, and ongoing arbitrary detention of board member
Fırat Epözdemir represent not legitimate legal measures but yet another attack on the independence
of the legal profession in Turkey.

The authorities of Turkey justify their actions with a statement issued by the Istanbul Bar
Association on 21 December 2024, in which it condemned the killing of two journalists in
Syria as a violation of international humanitarian law and called for an investigation. This
statement is clearly protected under freedom of expression, as guaranteed by Article 10
of the European Convention on Human Rights.Lawyers and Bar associations must be free
to speak out against human rights violations without fear of reprisal. Targeting lawyers for
defending fundamental rights is unacceptable.

We express our full solidarity with our colleagues in Turkey, particularly in view of the upcoming
court hearing on 4 March 2025, in which the authorities in Turkey seek to remove
the democratically elected board of the Istanbul Bar Association.

We call for an immediate end to all investigations and legal proceedings against the Istanbul
Bar Association and its leadership. The detained board member must be released without

Download the statement