Hans-Litten-Prize 2006

Hans-Litten-Prize Awarding 2006, Berlin To Michael Ratner, New York The Hans-Litten-Prize is awarded every two years by the VDJ, the German Association of Democratic Lawyers. The Prize Awarding was supported by EALDH. Awarding of the The Hans-Litten-Prize Laudatio Bill Bowring, Barrister, Professor for Constitutional Law and International Law at the Birkbeck College, University of London …

Don’t tolerate Aggression, War Crimes and Human Rights Violations in Lebanon, Palestine and Israel

Appeal to the European Governments and the European Union The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights ELDH, a non-governmental organization of jurists with national affiliates in many European Countries, urges European Governments and the European Union 1. to undertake all possible measures within the bodies of the UN, within the European …

Social rights in Europe – A provocation for neo-liberalism

Documentation of the International Conference, 6 May 2006, Berlin a choice of the speeches: Prof Dr. Etienne Balibar, Paris Prof. Dr. Martin Kutscha, Berlin Prof. Dr. Udo Mayer, Hamburg Dr. Ursula Engelen-Kefer, Stellvertretende Vorsitzende des DGB, Berlin Jutta Sundermann, Verden Prof. Dr. Mary Davis, London Jan Buelens, Antwerpen Michael Haile, Rom Pierluigi Panici, Rom Social …

World Tribunal on Iraq

Joint Declaration Of The EALDH and IADL On 24-26 June 2005 Fabio Marcelli, of the Italian Democratic Lawyers, and a member of the Administrative Council of EALDH, and Deputy Secretary General of IADL, participated in the World Tribunal on Iraq, a private initiative in the tradition of the Russell Tribunal and Permanent Peoples Tribunal. The …

Lawyers warn: Stop the War against Iraq!

Appeal to the European Governments and the UN Security Council USA plans illegal military attack A war against Iraq that aims to abolish the Government or to destruct Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction would mean a grave violation of international law, in particular of Art. 39 of the Charter of the United Nations. It would …

The demand of Turkey for membership in the EU

Declaration of the ELDH on the demand of Turkey for membership in the EU Result of a fact finding mission in Turkey in April 2000 In the beginning of April this year 14 lawyers from France, Germany and Italy stayed in Turkey. Being invited by the local bar associations, by the lawyer’s magazine „Acic Sayfa“ …

The situation in Turkish prisons

Declaration of the EALDH on the situation in Turkish prisons We, the European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights, utterly condemn the military storming of prisons in Turkey. The storming of several prisons and the killing of a great number of unarmed prisoners violate the rule of law. The hunger strikers were …

Lawyers for Palestine

Each day, in Palestine and in all the Arab villages of Israel, children, young people, men and women are dying under the fire of the Israeli army and settlers. Others are rounded up, and ‚disappear‘, are imprisoned and are tortured. This situation, which is in flagrant violation of international law, human rights and the most …