BLACKLISTED: Targeted sanctions, preemptive security and fundamental rights

„This report of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights is important because of its comprehensive coverage of the origins and development of the UN and European Unionterrorist lists, their impacts, their political significance and the way in which they have been challenged in national and regional courts. Most importantly, it provides a European …

Respect the rights of Basque Lawyers

The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH) is gravely concerned about the arrest of three well known Basque lawyers who have over many years defended Basque political prisoners.  They are Arantza Zulueta, Iker Sarriegi and Jon Enparantza. The work of such lawyers has been subjected to a campaign of criminalization …


Appell europäischer Juristinnen und Juristen Der Appell (pdf) Eine großen Anzahl von Juristenorganisationen in Europa fordert, dass die PKK von der Terrorliste der Europäischen Union gestrichen wird. Die Juristenorganisationen vertreten Juristinnen und Juristen in 18 europäischen Ländern. Sie fordern darüber hinaus, dass diese EU Terrorliste vollständig abgeschafft wird, insbesondere weil sie rechtsstaatlichen Ansprüchen nicht gerecht …

Protest against Israeli military attack on Gaza aid flotilla

European Lawyers demand legal and political consequences The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH) denounces in the strongest terms the military attack by Israeli military forces on the Gaza aid flotilla in international waters, and the killing of at least 16 peaceful demonstrators. See BBC World News “Deaths as Israeli …

ELDH Human Rights Mission to Basque Country

Report on the ELDH Human Rights Mission to Basque Country, 25th till 28th March 2010, Donostia ELDH Participants: Professor Bill Bowring (ELDH President), Thomas Schmidt (ELDH General Secretary) Organizer: BEHATOKIA, Iratxe UrizarThis report is the result of a four days visit to the Basque Country. Due to the excellent preparation and organization, including detailed documentation, …