European lawyers’ declaration on May Day: Anti Covid-19 policies threaten workers’ rights

The Covid-19 pandemic policies of European governments have dramatic consequences, especially for workers, the self-employed and small businesses In many sectors of the economy, workers are most at risk to their health, especially in the health and care sector, public transport sector, and retail trade and delivery services sector. Occupational health and safety regulations, which …

Persecution of Lawyers in India: building a network of international solidarity – video conference – 23 April 2020

Since the 2014 elections in India criminalisation of dissent and free expression on charges of sedition or terrorism has increased meteorically. Lawyers and democratic rights activists defending such cases are increasingly targeted on the same grounds. At a time when many prisoners are being released during the COVID-19 pandemic, these political prisoners remain inside and …

European Lawyers: Refugees at the Greek border are victims of EU and Turkish complicity *

On 1 March 2020 the Greek Government unilaterally invoked Article 78.3 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), announcing that it would not accept new asylum applications for one month and that those who attempt to enter illegally would be turned back. These measures were in response to the Turkish Government’s …

Political trials against lawyers and political activists in Turkey and other countries

hier Termin und Ort eintragen ELDH will try to send observers to the following trials. These trials are observed by many lawyers from different organisations in Europe. Colleagues who wish to participate in the trial observation should get into contact with ELDH: ELDH Guide on Trial Observations UN Basic principles on the role of …