Political trials against lawyers and political activists in Turkey and other countries

hier Termin und Ort eintragen ELDH will try to send observers to the following trials. These trials are observed by many lawyers from different organisations in Europe. Colleagues who wish to participate in the trial observation should get into contact with ELDH: ELDH Guide on Trial Observations UN Basic principles on the role of …

EJDM fordert: Gemeinnützigkeit der VVN anerkennen

Düsseldorf, 15. Dezember 2019 Pressemitteilung – update (PDF-Datei herunterladen) JDM fordert: Gemeinnützigkeit der VVN anerkennen In den letzten Monaten haben sich die Fälle gehäuft, in denen Vereinen in Deutschland die überwiegend schon lange anerkannte Gemeinnützigkeit durch die Finanzämter entzogen wurde. Eines der Opfer dieser repressiven Politik ist die 1947 gegründete Bundesvereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes …

Statements against the conviction of Catalan politicians and civil society activists

ELDH Statement: ELDH condemns the conviction of Catalan politicians and civil society activists – A travesty of justice Download ELDH Statement Download letter concerning the attacks on lawyer Gonzalo Boye (defense lawyer of  the Catalan ex-president Carles Puigdemont and some of his former ministers) The letter was sent to the  Mr. Diego García-Sayán, United Nations …

European Fact-finding mission to clarify the circumstances leading to the conviction of 18 Turkish lawyers

At the Silivri Prison Camp the lawyers delegation had the opportunity to talk to 4 convicted CHD lawyers who are detained in Silivri: Selçuk Kocağaçlı (sentenced to 11 years and 3 months), Behiç Aşçı (sentenced to 12 years) and Barkın Timtik (sentenced to 18 years and 9 months) , Ebru Timtik (senteced to 13 years …


THE PHILIPPINES: ATTACKS AGAINST LAWYERS ESCALATING Joint call by international legal community: Protect Filipino lawyers! Today, Lawyers for Lawyers together with 151 international and domestic bar associations, other lawyers’ organizations (among them ELDH) and legal professionals from 49 countries around the world called on the Government of the Philippines to take all necessary measures to …