The Case of Julian Assange – ELDH Webinar – 21 February 2024, 18.30 CET / 5.30pm GMT

Register now – Access details Meeting ID 852 4100 6112Passcode 590060 The Assange case is one of the worst judicial scandals in the universe of so-called human rights states. Julian Assange, the founder of the whistleblowing platform WikiLeaks, is still is still being held in a high-security maximum security prison in southeast London in the …

Day of the Endangered Lawyer – 24 January 2024 – in solidarity with lawyers in IRAN

The report (in English, in French, in Italian) – The Petition (in English, in French, in Italian – Turkish) The Joint Statement (in English) – Invitation Press Conference (in English) International law expressly recognizes the unique role that lawyers play in any society by according to them special protections as guardians of justice for all. …

ELDH supports the rally organised  by the Basque civic organisation “ Sare “ demanding the end of exceptional measures applied to Basque Political  Prisoners 

Download the statement: in English, Spanish, Basque The European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights (ELDH), with members in 22 European countries, notes that it is more than 12 years since ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, „Basque Homeland and Liberty“), declared the end of its armed campaign in the Basque Country. The Basque Country has transited …

28 years of PKK ban: Now we are talking!

Conference. 18 and 19 June 2022, Berlin organised by: ELDH (European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights)Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy e.V.Azadi Legal Aid Fund e.V.MAF-DAD e.V. – Association for Democracy and International LawVDJ – Association of Democratic Lawyers e.V.

Political trials against lawyers and political activists in Turkey and other countries

ELDH will try to send observers to the following trials. These trials are observed by many lawyers from different organisations in Europe. Colleagues who wish to participate in the trial observation should get into contact with ELDH: Email ELDH Guide on Trial Observations UN Basic principles on the role of lawyers PEN Norway: The study …

ELDH Statement on Israel’s declaration that six Palestinian civil society groups are “terrorist organisations”

Dowload the statement The European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights (ELDH) with members in 21 European countries, joins several United Nations Human Rights Special Rapporteurs, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and many humanitarian, development, human rights and faith organisations working to support the rights and welfare of the Palestinian people, to condemn the …

Solidarity with the former mayor of Riace, Domenico Lucano – Against the criminalisation of refugees and their supporters

Download the statement (PDF) ELDH condemns the decision of the Locri tribunal to inflict a criminal sentence of 13 years and two months on the former mayor of Riace, Domenico Lucano. This is another shocking example of the criminalisation of refugees and their supporters by Italian judges, and also of the abuse of courts for …