ELDH statement on the new EU ‚Pact on Migration and Asylum‘

The Pact on Migration and Asylum published on 23 September 2020, provides a framework to facilitate and justify the obstruction of access to asylum procedures, unlawful returns and refoulement. Although labelled a ‘fresh start’,[1] it retains many highly contentious aspects of the old border policy including a discriminatory fast track border procedure, military and technological …

European Union, Brexit – the future of workers’ rights

European Conference The Programme (download PDF-file) 09h30 – 10h00 Opening: •              ELDH/Haldane: Prof. Bill Bowring, ELDH President •              Unite: N.N. 10h00 – 11h45 1.       The Future of Trade Union Rights, social rights (collective labour law, for a social Europe instead of a “social pillar): Esther Lynch, Confederal Secretary of ETUC, Brussels: For a Pillar of …

ELDH report on the activities of the Lesvos Legal Centre

ELDH executive member Carlos Orjuela, as well as jurists from Sweden, France and a lawyer form the US have chosen to open a legal clinic, assisting a Greek lawyer in providing legal information, advice, assistance and representation. They were based in the Mosaik Support Centre, a project in the centre of Mytilini which provides services …


Die aktuell verfügbaren Vorträge und Präsentationen von der Konferenz am 4.5.2013 (wird vervollständigt) Eröffnung Thomas Gebauer, Geschäftsführer Medico International, Frankfurt: In die Flucht getrieben – Ursachen in den Ursprungsländern, Verantwortung der EU 1.Themenblock : VERHINDERTE FLUCHTVERSUCHE – IMMIGRATION ALS STRAFTAT, GNADE Karl Kopp, Pro Asyl, Frankfurt :Tödliche Barrieren Marianna Tzeferakou, Rechtsanwältin, Athen, Griechenland: Am südlichen …


Europäische Konferenz – Konferenzsprachen: Deutsch, Englisch – mit Simultanübersetzung   4. MAI 2013, 09H30 – 18H00, Ver.di Bundesverwaltung, Paula-Thiede-Ufer 10, BERLIN Das Programm PDF 09h00: Einlass, Anmeldung 09h30 – 10h00: Begrüßung und Einführung in die Konferenz   Eröffnung «  Thomas Gebauer, Geschäftsführer Medico International, Frankfurt: In die Flucht getrieben – Ursachen in den Ursprungsländern, Verantwortung der …


Conference on the criminalization of migrants (languages: 16th March 2012, Brussels, 09h00 – 16h00 Maison des Associations Internationales (MAI), Rue Washington 40, 1050 BRUXELLES ‘Is is a crime to be a foreigner? We don’t think so.’ This is the last sentence in a dissenting opinion of six judges of the European Court of Human Rights …

Presentations at the HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS Conference – 24th February 2012

On this page the papers presented at the conference will be published as soon as they are available Colombia – 1 Colombia – 2 Dagestan Palestine Philippines Russia Pictures taken at the conference by the official photographer Ripon Ray can be regarded under: Photos – Human Rights Defenders