ELDH demands the immediate release of Selçuk KOZAGAÇLI and the other lawyers from ÇHD and ÖHP

ELDH Statement (in Turkish as PDF download, see below) Too often  progressive lawyers  are the target of arbitrary state violence and oppression. They are oppressed because they defend workers, trade unionists, political activists, alleged terrorists, and victims of state violence. They are oppressed because they fight for the upholding  of human rights and labour law. …

ELDH demands the release of detained Turkish lawyers

Declaration of 7 lawyers‘ organisation – Demonstrations in 7 European countries in front of Turkish embassies ELDH demands the release of detained Turkish lawyers Another 14 members of the Progressive Lawyers Association CHD were detained in Turkey by decision of the judge on 21 September 2017, after 9 days police custody: Lawyers Didem Ünsal, Aytaç …

The press should respect the law and the “International principles of conduct of journalists” by the International Federation of Journalists

ELDH Statement ELDH is utmost concerned about articles in the Turkish press in which the Turkish lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı, who is also member of the ELDH Executive Committee, is defamed and accused of crimes in a way which violates international and European law as well as the “International principles of conduct of journalists” by the …

First Conference of Mediterranean Lawyers

9.00 opening Asilo Filangieri Welcoming greetings Luigi De Magistris, Mayor of Naples and former Prosecutor Francesco Caia, President of the Commissions for Human Rights and for the relationship with Mediterranean Countries of the National Bar Association of Italy Cristina Ornano, Secretary of AREA (Judges’ and prosecutors ‘association) Roberto Lamacchia, President of Italian Democratic lawyers Thomas …

International Conference on Academic Freedom

INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS ACADEMY OF THE AEGEAN – 22 – 24 September 2017, Nesin Maths and Philosophy Village / Şirince, Izmir, Turkey The Programme Background of the Academy: International Human Rights Academy of the Aegean (IHRAA) has been founded by the Committee of International Law of the ÖHP (Platform of the Lawyers for Freedom) in …

The judicial system under the state of emergency in Turkey

Invitation to the international conference – (13.), 14 and 15 January 2017, Ankara Ankara Plaza Hotel, Kavaklıdere Bestekar Sk. No: 5 06680 Çankaya PROGRAM: Opening: Bill Bowring, The President of ELDH – Pascale Taelman – The President of EDL-AED 14.01.2017 – SATURDAY / 09.30-10.45 The rights, duties and the repression faced by Bar Associations and …

Juristinnen und Juristen warnen vor Entstehung faschistischer Diktatur in der Türkei

Aufruf Europäischer Jurist*innen – andere Jurist*innen Organisationen und individuelle Jurist*innen sind aufgerufen zu unterzeichnen Die komplette Ausschaltung der politischen Opposition in einer Gesellschaft, und insbesondere der demokratischen Kräfte, ist ein typisches Kennzeichen für die mögliche Entstehung einer faschistischen Diktatur. Schon seit Jahren werden in der Türkei schwerwiegende Menschenrechtsverletzungen und die Missachtung demokratischer Grundsätze festgestellt. Dies …

No extradition of Turkish Soldiers to Turkey

ELDH Statement A significant legal and political case is under way in Greece regarding the eight Turkish military officers who surrendered themselves in Greece and sought asylum following the attempted military coup in Turkey. They sought shelter in Greece after participating in the coup attempt by a faction of the Turkish military and were then …

European Lawyers appeal to annul bill lifting immunities of Turkish MP

ELDH[i] is highly alarmed concerning the vote in Turkey’s parliament which approved a bill to amend the Constitution to strip Members of Parliament of their immunity from prosecution, a move that paves the way for the trials of pro-Kurdish and other opposition members of parliament. If the President approves the amendments they will put 138 …