Solidarity with Egyptian lawyers
DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER Appeal to the Egyptian Government – Respect the rights of Egyptian lawyers In 2017 ELDH, with members in 20 countries, already choose to focus its activities on the endangered lawyers in Egypt. Many human rights organizations, among them Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, IDHAE, and the International Commission of Jurists…
European Union, Brexit – the future of workers’ rights
European Conference The Programme (download PDF-file) 09h30 – 10h00 Opening: • ELDH/Haldane: Prof. Bill Bowring, ELDH President • Unite: N.N. 10h00 – 11h45 1. The Future of Trade Union Rights, social rights (collective labour law, for a social Europe instead of a “social pillar): Esther Lynch, Confederal Secretary of ETUC, Brussels: For a Pillar of…
First Conference of Mediterranean Lawyers
9.00 opening Asilo Filangieri Welcoming greetings Luigi De Magistris, Mayor of Naples and former Prosecutor Francesco Caia, President of the Commissions for Human Rights and for the relationship with Mediterranean Countries of the National Bar Association of Italy Cristina Ornano, Secretary of AREA (Judges’ and prosecutors ‘association) Roberto Lamacchia, President of Italian Democratic lawyers Thomas…
International Conference on Academic Freedom
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS ACADEMY OF THE AEGEAN – 22 – 24 September 2017, Nesin Maths and Philosophy Village / Şirince, Izmir, Turkey The Programme Background of the Academy: International Human Rights Academy of the Aegean (IHRAA) has been founded by the Committee of International Law of the ÖHP (Platform of the Lawyers for Freedom) in…
Sozial-Dumping und aktuelle Herausforderungen für das Arbeitsrecht in Europa – Die Initiative zurückgewinnen!
Europäische Arbeitsrechtskonferenz, 12. und 13. Mai 2017, Florenz Auditorium di Sant’Apollonia, Via S. Gallo, 25, 50129 Florenz, Italien Jetzt anmelden ! (Sprachen: Italienisch, Englisch, Deutsch mit Simultanübersetzung) *** Programm (PDF-Datei herunterladen) Freitag, 12. Mai 2017 13:30 bis 14:00 Uhr: Anmeldung bei Kaffe/Tee 14:00 – 18:30 Uhr Begrüßung: Professor Dr. Antonio Loffredo – Universität Siena, Italien…
24. Januar 2017 – In Solidarität mit den bedrohten ägyptischen Anwältinnen und Anwälten AAppell an die ägyptische Regierung zum Tag der bedrohten Anwältinnen und Anwälte Europäische Jurist*innen fordern die Respektierung der Rechte ägyptischer Anwält*innen Am Tag der bedrohten Anwältinnen und Anwälte wollen wir die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit auf das Schicksal von Anwält*innen lenken, die bedroht, verfolgt,…
The judicial system under the state of emergency in Turkey
Invitation to the international conference – (13.), 14 and 15 January 2017, Ankara Ankara Plaza Hotel, Kavaklıdere Bestekar Sk. No: 5 06680 Çankaya PROGRAM: Opening: Bill Bowring, The President of ELDH – Pascale Taelman – The President of EDL-AED 14.01.2017 – SATURDAY / 09.30-10.45 The rights, duties and the repression faced by Bar Associations and…
Migrants outlawed – International Conference
International Conference SAF / AED on the 23rd and 24th of September 2016, Lille (France) – UNIVERSITÉ DE DROIT ET DE LA SANTÉ • AMPHI RENÉ CASSIN 1, PLACE DELIOT – LILLE • MÉTRO PORTE DE DOUAI Every year, the SAF (Union of French Lawyers) organizes a symposium on a theme regarding migrants’ rights. Faced…
International Conference 10/11/12 November 2016, Lisbon – Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, Portugal Cidade Universitária, 1649-014 Lisboa The main theme of the Conference will be: “The International Convenants on Human Rights (ICESCRand ICCPR) adopted by the UN on 16 December 1966: historical significance; political and legal impact;and fortunes”. Call for papers The Conference…
European Lawyers for Workers ELW – Plenary Assembly and Workshop
26 November 2016, Amazone, Carrefour de l’égalité de genre , Middaglijnstraat 10 rue du Meridien, 1210 Brussel/Bruxelles, Belgium (near Metro Botanique, 15 minutes from Gare du Nord) The programme 13.00 – 14.30: Plenary Assembly of the ELW ‘contact persons’ (see point 14 of the ELW founding document ), with a focus on: o The…