ELDH condemns the fascist attack against the most important Italian trade union, CGIL.

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This attack took place as part of a strong and extremely worrying rise of the fascist, racist and homophobic right in Europe. As such it must not be understood separately from various recent episodes, like the proposal of a series of EU governments to build, with EU finance , a separation wall against the so-called invasion of migrants.

Moreover the Italian fascists were inspired by the assault on the US capitol on the 6 January 2021.

The Italian legal far right, Fratelli d’Italia and Lega, have much in common with the authors of the attack and refuse to support serious measures in line with the Italian Constitution, such as the dissolution of the fascist organization Forza Nuova, which programmed, promoted and organized the attack against CGIL, and the attempt to assault the headquarters of the Government. The reaction of the police against these attacks was surprisingly weak and ineffective.

Therefore, the situation is extremely grave. The right, in its institutional and „militant“ aspects, aims to profit from the unprecedented economic, political and social crisis in order to enhance its power. It has to be fought in the name of antifascist values, of antiracism and of the necessary social transformation against the rise of poverty and of social inequalities.

Forza Nuova should immediately be outlawed, applying the Italian constitution.