What’s left of your Privacy in 2010…
Protecting privacy against government and employer Organizer: Progress Lawyers Network with support of ELDH Documents (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Protecting privacy against government and employer Organizer: Progress Lawyers Network with support of ELDH Documents (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Self Determination – Right to Secession? International conference organized by ELDH together with the Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster, Belfast Supported by Campaign against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC) This one day international conference, drawing together experts from Europe and beyond, will engage with the highly controversial issues surrounding the contemporary exercise of the right of peoples …
Report on the ELDH Human Rights Mission to Basque Country, 25th till 28th March 2010, Donostia ELDH Participants: Professor Bill Bowring (ELDH President), Thomas Schmidt (ELDH General Secretary) Organizer: BEHATOKIA, Iratxe UrizarThis report is the result of a four days visit to the Basque Country. Due to the excellent preparation and organization, including detailed documentation, …
KHRP Issues Joint Statement Concerning the Arrest of Mr Muharrem Erbey, Vice President of the Human Rights Association of Turkey (İHD) KHRP together with the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales, European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, and The Law Society of England and Wales have issued …
Last September the ELDH Secretary General, Thomas Schmidt, visited the refugee camps of the Sahrawi People in South-West Algeria, near Tindouf. He had extensive discussions with the families of Sahrawi people who had been detained and subjected to forced “disappearance” in the zone occupied by Morocco. He also spoke to the Sahrawi Human Rights association …
Report on the mission to Colombia, February 9 – 25, 2009, by Fabio Marcelli, Rome 1. Background The initiative to organize a mission to Colombia by European jurists and journalists has been taken by the Movimiento de Victimas de Crimenes de Estado (MOVICE) with the collaboration of Peace Brigades International (PBI). The delegation has been …
International expert colloquy, 17th January 2009 Documentation of the conference (speeches in their original language), will be available soon
Erklärung Europäischer Juristinnen und Juristen zu Gaza Mit Entsetzen haben die Menschen in der ganzen Welt die Bombardierung von Wohnsiedlungen, Schulen und Krankenhäusern ebenso wie UNO-Einrichtungen durch die israelische Armee in Palästina verfolgt. Vielfach wurden die Raketenangriffe der Hamas gegen die israelische Zivilbevölkerung als Auslöser für die militärische Aggression Israels dargestellt. Inzwischen ist jedoch bekannt, …
Letter concerning Excessive police violence at Labour Day in Istanbul Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan Prime Minister Republic of Turkey Ankara TURKEY 28 May 2008 Dear Mr. Prime Minister, The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights ELDH strongly protests against the violence used by Turkish riot police and security forces against …
Letter concerning the sentence of Eren Keskin Minister of Justice Mehmet Ali Sahin Adalet Bakanligi 06659 Kisilay Ankara, TÜRKEI 8 April 2008 Dear Minister, ELDH notes with great concern that the lawyer Eren Keskin – who received the Hans Litten Price from the German lawyers association VDJ in the year 2000 for her courageous work …